Who We Are

HEAR! HERE! is your local chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America [HLAA] serving Woodland, Davis and Yolo County. We offer informational programs throughout the year that are open to all. See this blog for times and dates of upcoming events.


Our e-mail address is: hearherewoodland@gmail.com

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Hear! Here! wishes to thank the Kiwanis Club of Woodland, the Lions Clubs of Yolo County and the Woodland Healthcare Community Board for their generous donations towards the cost of the preschool hearing tests that we are in the process of scheduling.

Hear! Here! has no source of funding other than what it can raise itself and so without this community support our organization would not be able to provide this much needed service. Started in 2005 with a small donation and one volunteer, it is wonderful to see the  program expand each year and the donations increase. Last year was the first time we were able to schedule testing in Davis and this year, thanks in large part to the very generous donation from the Lions Clubs, we are able to include all the preschools in both Winters and Esparto as well as many in Davis and as always Woodland. The van that does the testing has been contracted to visit Esparto, Winters and Woodland in late April. The Davis schedule and contract should soon be complete.

With support like this, our dream, that one day all the preschool children living in Yolo County are tested to ensure that they can hear well enough to understand their teacher, follow instructions, and interact with other children does not seem so unattainable!

Once again a big "thank you" to these great sponsors of the program.

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