Who We Are

HEAR! HERE! is your local chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America [HLAA] serving Woodland, Davis and Yolo County. We offer informational programs throughout the year that are open to all. See this blog for times and dates of upcoming events.


Our e-mail address is: hearherewoodland@gmail.com

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Noise-induced hearing loss is something that can happen for many reasons; being around construction machinery; near loud amplified music for long periods of time; being too close to gun fire; working in industrial settings with heavy equipment; and using large agricultural machinery are prime examples.
Come learn from Betty McNamara, a Woodland Healthcare audiologist, how extended periods of exposure to loud noise levels can cause permanent hearing loss; from Billy Wagster, Yolo County's Veterans Service Officer, how help is being offered to our veterans with hearing loss resulting from military service; and listen to Bill Fairfield's personal story of his hearing loss which happened while he was playing in the rock band Mumbo Gumbo.

REMINDER: this meeting is being held this Monday the 26th, at 10.00am in the DAVIS SENIOR CENTER at 646 A Street, Davis

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Board member Dr. Glatter applied for, and received, $1,000.00 from the Community Benefit Committee of the Woodland Healthcare and $500.00 from Soroptimist International of Davis. With the $500.00 already received from the Woodland Reveille Lions Club, we were able to contract for testing on May 4th and 5th at 4 preschools in Woodland and Davis.
It is not too late for individuals to donate to the program. One donation of $7.50 may save a child with an unrecognized hearing loss from a life of struggling to catch up to others in school.

Please make your check payable to:
 HLAA Woodland Chapter
and mail to:
HLAA Woodland Chapter
Atten: Preschool Hearing Test Program
2513 Madrid Court
Davis CA 95616
Thank you

Friday, April 2, 2010


WOODLAND HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION has donated $1,000.00 to the Hear! Here! Preschool Hearing Test Program. Thanks to this generous donation along with the continueing support of the WOODLAND REVEILLE LIONS CLUB the program this year has expanded to two days, May 4th and 5th, and also has been expanded to include schools in Davis as well as Woodland.
The program provides for pre-school children to be tested for hearing loss with the goal of identifying children that need help before they start school and fall behind. The cost of testing is $450.00 per school.
An individual may also donate to the project, just $7.50 pays for a test for one student. You can help prevent a child with an unrecongnized hearing loss from a life of struggling to catch to others in school. Make checks payable to : HLAA Woodland Chapter 2513 Madrid Court, Davis, CA 95616